Category Archives: Demi Morrison
Performance Artist: Franko B on the Body
Continuing of from artists who explore the body in relation to performance and it’s limitations, I have looked at a performance artist, Franko B, who creates work that can make the spectator feel uncomfortable. The one piece of his that … Continue reading
Performance Artist: Stelarc on the Body
Stelarc is a performance artist famously known for creating pieces of work that explore the limitations of the human body. Especially the skin. He has become a machine controlled by computer users around the world, he has suspended himself from meat … Continue reading
Performances Can Be Devised From Anything… Anything At All
Multimedia is a broad name for a form of performance. One of the main things we learnt from the first few sessions on this, was how a performance can be devised from anything and everything. In our first sessions we … Continue reading
Initial Ideas Continued
Once we had come to an agreement about working with a communal spirit – we looked into places where we could learn what the community here in Lincoln does for itself. St Mary’s Church near the centre of Lincoln does … Continue reading
What is Community? – Abbie Manning Kuppers defines it as “a complex concept: How can one understand the tension between people as individuals, and people as members of a group? what are the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion that emerge … Continue reading