‘Experiential’ Our Installation Exhibition.

On the 16th of May our installation showcase was held at the LSPA theatre from 1-5pm. The studio was set out into six sections:

Section 1: ‘Colour Explosion’ – this section was home to two separate canvas’. The first canvas which the participants could pop paint balloons positioned on canvas using a pinned probe and the second was placed on a table which the audience were invited to use the paints and materials provided to created their own work.

Section 2: ‘Sensory Deprivation’ – this area contained a set of headphones and a blindfold. The participant was tied up so that they could only free themselves if asked. The idea was to have the trust from the participant which allowed us to take over there senses, but only if they approached the area and sat down.  The participant was then played music from an mp3 player and then a track was chosen for them to listen to. It was interesting to watch the participant as they sat and listened while other noise of balloons popping and crockery was smashing around them.

Section 3: ‘Lose it’ – This area allowed the audience to smash crockery at a target. The aim was to see if the participants used the crockery to unleash there emotion and see how they felt afterwards.

Section 4: ‘Say Something Nice’ an area which exhibitioned photographs of everyone in the group, either of themselves or with friends. This was a chance for people to say something nice and hopefully make them feel better about doing it.

Section 5: ‘Projection’ – The projection showed good and bad images juxtaposed together and played on a continuous loop. The audience was provided with seating in which they could sit and view the images. This would be an interesting contrast to the music being played along side it and whether the images would be seen in a different mood.

Section 6: ‘Express Yourself’ – this area supplied a corner with several beanbags in which the audience could sit down and relax while they listened to the music or even discuss with other audience members about their experience of the installation.

Our objective was to experiment with objects and technologies and see how this was created by the participants, in the chapter Theatre of Images talks about experimenting: “Theatre has always experimented with new technologies in performance and explored the nature and creative potential of the interaction of the live and the mediated” (Klich, Sheer 2012, p., 13).

Works Cited:

Klich, R and Scheer, (2012) Multimedia Performance, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan


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